First things first:

Suddenly cutting off contact can sometimes be the right thing to do. Especially if you feel yourself in danger or talking to a person and sensing that they’re trying to manipulate you.

The term “ghosting” refers to a situation where one person ceases communication with the other with no explanation.

It has become very normalized in our modern world, we’ve all been ghosted by someone or ghosted someone at some point.

In fact, according to this survey, approximately 80% of millenials have been ghosted by someone.

You’d think we would have all become desensitized to it by now.

However, the truth is, ghosting is immature and disrespectful, it leaves the person you ghosted feeling used and insecure. Here are some things you can say to a person to communicate your desire to end things :

After the first date:

I had so much fun at ‘insert date/location/activity here, but I want to be honest with you and tell you that I’m not feeling a connection, so I don’t think we should go out again. Thanks for understanding.

After a few dates:

I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with you, but I don’t think we’re a match romantically. I think it’s best if we stopped going on dates.

When your relationship expectations aren’t aligned:

I’m looking for someone a little more ‘serious’. Out of respect for both our time and feelings, I think we should date other people who better match our expectations. Still, I had a lot of fun getting to know you, and I wish you the best of luck!

At the end of the day, you don’t owe anyone a relationship or a friendship, it’s understable wanting to spare someone the pain of rejection but it is much more compassionate to tell them than to leave them hanging, drawing out anxiety and confusion after being ghosted.