Being rejected hurts, that’s a fact, it sucks, it’s not what you wanted, but it happened, and now you are processing a new reality that you didn’t envision. even though there’s no easy way to handle a break up, but here are some starting points that can help you navigate its pain:

Give yourself time:

Now is the moment to acknowledge what is there: being rejected hurts!
This hurts. You will be okay. But it will require some time. Use this as a mantra to guide yourself through this.

This is a phase of your life. Good things are still possible for you, and deciding to move forward is taking a step towards that.

Practice some self-care:

In these moments, self care is truly important; Activities such as going for a walk and exercising, doing yoga or meditating are great ways to think more clearly about what went down instead of falling down a downward spiral.

If those activities aren’t really your thing, try and practice anything that makes you feel good, whatever that might be for you.

Reject improving:

This might sound weird right off the bat, but hear me out. Just because you faced rejection, it doesn’t mean that you have to launch a self improvement campaign.

You do not need to be a different person, you are more than enough. changing the way you look might be an interesting thing to do but it will not make you more worthy of love and commitment in the future. Right now, out of all times, you should be kind towards yourself instead of punishing yourself.

Spend more time with your loved ones:

There’s no better time than to be surrounded with the people who love you. This is the time for you to spend more quality time with them.

Having a support system you can rely on is crucial when you’re going through hardship. This is the time for you to be reminded of how loved and appreciated you are.